How to Join CCC
Applying for membership is really easy. Simply print off this form, fill it out, sign it and pass it to a CCC committee member or email it to
You will then be emailed your membership number and details of how to pay your subscription. Please note that you can only access the link to the form on a PC or a laptop and not a mobile device unless you are running Microsoft Office on your mobile device.
The subscription fees are as follows:
Single £10
There are 3 methods of payment:
Our preferred method is through the British Cycling Website which can be reached by clicking “JOIN CCC” button (above). Please note that there is an additional admin fee of a £1 charged by British Cycling.
You can pay via bank transfer to the Chatteris Cycling Club account by quoting your surname and membership number in the reference field.
The bank details are:
Sort Code 30-98-97
Account Number 35965068
Or you may send a cheque made payable to Chatteris Cycling Club to our treasurer. Please email for the address.
The club operates a rolling membership system. Your membership will start from the date your application is received by the Treasurer or notification is received via the British Cycling website (providing your payment clears).